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Thank you to the Farmingdale Chamber of Commerce!


Invest in Development: Your Donation Creates Safe Spaces for Youth in Need

You have helped Lodestar empower children and families by proactively meeting them where they are, addressing the community’s struggle for safe spaces that foster strength. Your crucial donation supports our initiative to establish a high-end community center in Farmingdale, a beacon of hope for struggling youth.

Your commitment made this happen because your generous contribution fuels resilience, helps overcome challenges, and makes a lasting impact, creating a transformative environment. Please join others who have donated and invest in the development of our community’s youth today to be a hero in setting the stage for their success. Join us in unlocking their potential and empowering children to thrive.

Support our cause because even a small donation can make a big difference. Hurry and make a hassle-free, easy donation to help us continue making a positive impact. Visit our website and choose a suggested amount to see how your contribution can directly support our initiatives. Let’s make a difference together!

20% of children have mental disorders (NIH)

In 2016-2019 diagnoses included: •ADHD at 9.8% (around 6.0 million),

•Anxiety at 9.4% (approximately 5.8 million)

•Behavior problems at 8.9% (about 5.5 million), and

•Depression at 4.4% (approximately 2.7 million) (CDC).

500+ supported families by Lodestar

Video game set-up supported by Brandon Raymar

General donation supported by Tomislav Kundic and Randy Morreale from NSA Insurance

Projector and screen supported by Thomas J Petracca

Break room table supported by Rocco & Jill Iannarelli

White board supported by Robert Coburn

$8,500 – Utilities for One Year

Package includes:

Booth space for major events

Half-page ad on all event programs

Logo permanently featured on sponsors page of website

Social media promotions & shares for one year Custom silver plaque in new office space

$38,000 – Rent for One Year


Dedicated sponsor of the year

Naming rights to community center for one year

Booth space & free admission for all events

One-page ad and logo on cover of all event programs

Logo permanently featured on front page of website

Custom social media promotions & shares for one year

Custom platinum plaque in new office space

$4,000 – Moving Costs Covered

$15,000 – Staffing for One Year


Naming rights to one major 2024 event

Booth space & free admission for major events

One-page ad on all event programs

Logo permanently featured on sponsors page of website

Custom social media promotions & shares for one year

Custom gold plaque in new office space

Looking to donate offline? Email our Development Coordinator, Noelle

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